2013 International Academic Symposium on Rural Education
International Experience and National Practice on Integration of Rural and Urban Education
General Information
Dear :
Integration of Rural and Urban Education is a strategic issue on educational reform and development both in China and other countries. In recent years, related researches are carried out from the aspects of theory and practice. In order to promote the research on integration of rural and urban education, the international academic symposium will be held by Institute of Rural Education, Northeast Normal University. We will invite some international and national influential experts to
give us keynote speeches. You are welcome to attend this symposium.
I. Conference theme
International Experience and National Practice on Integration of Rural and Urban Education
II. Conference topics
1. Basic theory on integration of rural and urban education
2. International experience and reflection on integration of rural and urban education
3. Innovation of administrative system on integration of rural and urban education
4. Innovation of multi-model on integration of rural and urban education
5. Chinese experience and reflection on integration of rural and urban education
6. Post-compulsory education innovation of entrance system for immigrate farmers’ children in city
7. Educational security mechanism for left-behind children in rural China
8. Mechanism of improving the quality of rural education in the period of post-consolidation
9. Integration of educational development in certain region
10. Compulsory education mechanism of reform and develop in the background of urbanism
III. Date and venue
Conference date and venue: Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province China, on September 28-29, 2013.
Conference registration: Dongshi Hotel Lobby,on September 28-29, 2013.
Hotel address: 1596, Ziyou Rd, Changchun, Jilin, P. R. China
Hotel route: Railway station: 5 km;15min; Airport:32km;50min; Bus station:5 km;15min
IV.Conference Activity
1. Keynote speeches
2. Paper presentation
3. Group discussion
4. Conclusion report
V. Paper Submission
1.Submit paper
You can submite your paper by sending email to qihp644@nenu.edu.cn
2. Format paper
(1) Full text should be no less than 6000 words, with 300 words abstract and 3-5 keywords. Reference should be at the end of the paper.
(2) All papers must be formatted MS Word ,12 point, Times New Roman, and the 1.5 spaced.
3.Submission deadline
For early planning purposes, registration form and paper should be return to Mr. Qi Haipeng no later than September, 10 by email qihp644@nenu.edu.cn.
VI. Payment
Registration fee is 800 RMB for regular participant, 500 RMB for student participant ((including fee for conference documents and meals during conference).The
transportation and accommodation fee are at your own expenses.
VII.Contact information
If you have any questions, please contact us by following information.
Contact person: Qi Haipeng
Tel: 0431-85099422(Office),13894871159(Cell)
VIII. Registration form
Name Gender Position Research area Accommodation request (Single/ Share) Ticket booking request
MOE Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science
Institute of Rural Education, Northeast Normal University